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LOCAL Mission Outreach


Service Fellowship: A First Presbyterian local mission group formed in summer of 2018 to identify and provide volunteers to meet critical needs in our community. The initial project involved a crisis at the Stewpot. The Stewpot had to stop serving meals on the fourth Sunday of the month because the church that had volunteered on that day was unable to continue. With their energy and compassion, this  group of volunteers organized a Stewpot crew to plan, cook, and serve 300 meals to homebound clients and to those who dine at the Stewpot beginning with the fourth Sunday in August, 2018.


Stewpot: In 1985, the Natchez Community Stewpot opened its doors to help alleviate hunger and assist with meals for the elderly, handicapped and shut-ins of our community. Over the past three decades many churches, businesses, and citizens have worked tirelessly to see that the Natchez Community Stewpot continues to be an integral part of our community. First Presbyterian provides annual financial support and volunteers to deliver meals every Sunday and during the week.


Prayer Shawl: A group of First Presbyterian members meet weekly to make prayer shawls, beginning with prayers and blessings for the recipient. Prayer shawls are sent to those undergoing medical procedures, as a comfort after a loss or in times of stress, during bereavement, and in other situations needing prayer.


Guardian Shelter: The Guardian Shelter for Battered Families is designed to help victims of spouse abuse and their children during the critical time in life. Services provided are temporary emergency shelter, counseling and emotional support. First Presbyterian provides annual financial support.


Natchez Children's Services:  Founded in 1816, Natchez Children's Services today is one of the oldest, continuously operated, child-focused organizations for children in the United States. NCS provides individual, group and family counseling; advocacy and education for at-risk children and families and; community education and awareness of child abuse and its prevention.


Mission Mississippi: The vision of Mission Mississippi is to engage, to equip and to empower the next generation to build relationships across racial lines, to work together with better understanding, to build greater respect for one another and to trust each other while making a better Mississippi together. First Presbyterian has a number of church members supporting and attending their monthly meetings.


F.U.E.L. Program: There are school  children in our  system  who may not eat between lunch on Friday and breakfast on Monday.  That’s correct. We have children, right here in our area, and across the nation who may go for up to 67 hours with no food every week. The F.U.E.L. program is a food subsidization program that places food directly in the back packs of these children every Friday afternoon. First Presbyterian provides storage bins for supplies and financial support.


Cub Scout Pack 168: First Presbyterian provides use of its gym for meetings.


Boy Scout Troop 157: First Presbyterian sponsors this troop providing annual financial support and use of its gym for meetings.





U.S. Prison Ministries: First Presbyterian members volunteer with Returning Hearts, a prison ministry focusing on creating an environment of reconciliation between inmate parents and their children at the Louisiana State Penitentiary at Angola, and with prison softball ministries throughout the U.S.



international mission outreach


Mexico: Since 1995, First Presbyterian has worked with Presbyterians in the Yucatan to support new churches through construction, Bible schools, and worship services. First Presbyterian also installed several Living Waters for the World purification systems around Campeche. From the beginning we have had a long lasting relationship with Pastor Fernando Ramirez who works in out reach in the rural eastern areas of Campeche. First Presbyterian provides regular monthly financial support for Pastor Fernando's ministry as well has financial support for special needs as they arise. Click here for photos.


Haiti: In 2010, after the massive January earthquake of that year in Haiti, First Presbyterian's Dr. Chuck Borum provided medical services for a week in a makeshift clinic at the Haiti Outreach Ministries church compound in the slum area of Cete Soleil. Since then Dr. Borum has led an ecumenical medical team on an annual basis. Since 2017, the medical team splits its week long visit between Cete Soleil and at God's Promise in Haiti compound in Sarte. First Presbyterian provides annual financial support and volunteers for this critical mission.


Guatemala: Beginning in 2018, one of First Presbyterian's teenagers participated in the Teens 4 Christ leadership program sponsored by the Presbytery of South Alabama. This program culminated with a mission trip to Guatemala. First Presbyterian provided financial support as well as the participation of two adult members accompanying the Teens 4 Christ group in Guatemala. 


Brazil: From 2002 until 2017 First Presbyterian members participated in clean water projects in northeast Brazil through the Presbytery of Mississippi. Since 2018, First Presbyterian members have continued to support these water projects through voluntary individual financial contributions. The Mission Ministry of First Presbyterian acts as the disbursing agent of any voluntary individual contributions received.



















Colorado prison ministry


Colorado prison ministry

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