Congregational Life
Congregational Life is an important part of the ministry of First Presbyterian Church. Numerous opportunities for table fellowship and other activities are available throughout the church year. All are welcome!
Sunday Morning Coffee 8:15AM-10:30AM
Coffee is served in Stratton Chapel before the 8:15AM and 10:30AM Sunday services. Please feel free to be our guest, say hello, and explore ministry and connecting opportunities in Stratton Chapel.
Tuesday Morning Men’s Prayer Breakfast at Fellowship Hall
7:00 AM sharp is when First Presbyterian men of all ages and men of other denominations—and the unchurched—can be found in Fellowship Hall at First Presbyterian Church enjoying a hearty breakfast prepared right there by the men in the full-service kitchen. Men are welcome to drop in at the church and experience the special fellowship which surfaces when men share a meal, a reading and pray together. It is an informal gathering, and usually, there is a group of 20 or more men who come together.
Wonderful Wednesdays in Fellowship Hall 5:15PM-7:00PM
Wonderful Wednesdays meet in Fellowship Hall at 5:15 and enjoy a delicious meal prepared by members. We also pray together for our Prayer List and any other concerns. At 6:00 Adult and Youth classes begin with different topics being taught by our pastors and members. Adult and Children's Choir rehearsal are also scheduled during this time. A nursery is provided and all are welcome!
Monthly Sunday Luncheons in Fellowship Hall After Service
The First Presbyterian Church family delights in breaking bread together. Covered dish luncheons usually occur one Sunday of each month in Fellowship Hall following the 10:30 AM Sunday service. The church community has a chance to meet new people, build relationships, and serve each other around the table. Church families provide this “pot-luck” meal. Sometimes, there is musical entertainment as well!
Special Events
Annual Picnic in the Spring
Each year, in the Spring—usually at the end of April right after Spring Pilgrimage—when the weather is nice and the flowers in full bloom, First Presbyterian Church has its annual picnic and bake sale on the grounds of a member’s home. This is a very special time for the Church family to share covered dishes and gather on lawn chairs and blankets as they join in on the fun and fellowship. This is also when the annual bake sale is held. Homemade treats—cakes, pies, cookies, candy—are auctioned off with the proceeds to benefit the youth program.
Fall Kirkin’ o’ the Tartan Luncheon
One of our favorite events is the Kirkin' o’ the Tartan luncheon in the fall beginning with bag-piping on the greens. Our sanctuary is decorated with Scottish Clan banners and representatives of clans process down the aisle at the beginning of the 10:30 service. Roll is called and members of each called clan stand. After the service we go to Fellowship Hall and enjoy a celebration lunch of our heritage. All are welcome!
Men’s Culinary Cook-Off in September
There’s nothing like the men’s culinary event! Our Men's Culinary Event is held in September at the home of Lee and Sherry Jones. The competition between the men chefs is fierce and the fun ends in the last bite. lt is a time when the men have an opportunity to delight the crowds in football season. All proceeds go to our mission ministries . This is an event no one will want to miss and all are welcome!
Other Special Luncheons, Suppers and Pot Luck Events in Stratton Chapel and Fellowship Hall
Check the calendar for special luncheons, suppers and pot luck events.
Special Receptions
Always a reception—or so it seems—at First Presbyterian Church after special celebrations and performances such as the Senior Sunday in May and recitals throughout the year, Stratton Chapel and Fellowship Hall light up for these occasions.
Miscellaneous Fellowship
Traditional Christmas Breakfast when we celebrate Advent and the coming of our Lord.
Ash Wednesday Pancake Dinner before our service as we prepare ourselves for the Lenten Season.
Love Luncheon in February. A perfect time to celebrate Valentines with sweethearts, family, and friends. Delicious food and songs of love accompany this event.
Spring Forward Luncheon to acknowledge Daylight Savings Time and those who remembered to set their clock right.
Happy Birthday to us! At our Birthday Luncheon we celebrate the gift of life and age. We honor our octogenarians and our 90+ whose Christian examples are testimonies for us all.
SSSSS in July brings our Summer- Salad -Sandwiches-Sundaes-Sunday Luncheon when we celebrate the joys of summer.
Blessing of the Backpack Breakfast - Celebrated in the fall as our children are preparing to return to school. Prayers are said for our children for a blessed school year as we break bread together.
Rally Day Luncheon is an exciting time for us as we regroup and prepare for our coming church year. We "come home" after the summer and commit ourselves again to being disciples. Join us as we see opportunities to serve our Lord!
The above list of fellowship activities at First Presbyterian Church is by no means exhaustive. Other activities are posted on the church calendar, in the monthly Link Newsletter and in the Sunday worship bulletin.