Music of the organ, congregation, choir, and other instruments is offered in this place first and foremost as a gift to God, and as a help to enhance the worship experience of the People of God. As the people gather, the music sets the tone for worship. The chimes ring out in the signal that the hour of worship has begun. As God has called the people to give praise, the people praise in loud voices. The people of First Presbyterian love their worship music; they love to sing praises. As the occasion calls for less joyful and more solemn tones directed toward God our King, the people respond with hearts prepared to seek God's forgiveness for sins and God's gracious mercy in times of sadness and grief. Through music, we join our voices to the choirs of angels and all the saints of the church forevermore. Music is our timeless praise, our never-ending vocabulary of words to ask God for blessings and give thanks for those already bestowed upon us.

"Praise the Lord! How good it is to sing praises to our God; for he is gracious, and a song of praise is fitting."
Psalm 147:1
The organ, originally installed in 1873, was restored in 2004. A special feature is its new, computer-driven heart. The instrument contains 45 ranks and four divisions in the gallery. A three-manual console controls the nearly 3,000 pipes. Planned digital additions include both a Festival Trumpet and English Tuba, as well as several solo voices to greatly increase the versatility of the instrument for service-playing.
The Aeolian-Skinner Pipe Organ

The Sanctuary Choir is a volunteer group of dedicated men and women who help create meaningful worship each Sunday for the 10:30 a.m. service, as well as special services and holidays throughout the year. Often other instrumentalists are invited to join the organist in accompanying the choir and congregation as well as preludes and postludes. Choir members use their gifts to elevate the worship experience while building friendships that last a lifetime. Weekday rehearsals are held on Wednesday evenings 6:00-7:00 p.m., August thru May. Additionally the choir gathers for pre-service rehearsal on Sunday mornings at 9:45 a.m.
Sanctuary Choir
The Handbell Choir rehearses Tuesday evenings during the school year from 5:15-6:15 p.m., and rings on various Sundays during the year and at special occasions as needed. Each ringer is assigned a certain position and rings the same bells each week. Rehearsal time is spent learning notes, rhythms, and bell techniques. Ringing is a fun way to be involved in our Music Ministry and is open to not only members of First Presbyterian, but anyone who likes to ring or wishes to learn how to ring!