'Ten Maidens': today's worldEngaging the Parable of the Ten Maidens in Contemporary Terms See (and please read) Matthew 25:1-13 (I was inspired by a real-life story...
Faith: Parents and childrenFaith: Parents and Children Not too long ago, any one of us Christians might have pondered, "How do we confront this diversity of faith...
just a few wordsHello, everyone: I offer here a few thoughts on a good article that you may want to read:"Adopted Into the Family: Toward a Theology of...
Servant LeadersJesus, Servant Leader, Calls Us to Serve "Jesus called them to him and said, 'You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them,...
Small moments... ...big gainsSmall moments…Big gains One day I watched a small boy race across a grassy space in front of me. He called out in his loudest voice,...
January memoriesJanuary and Baptism…January is winding down. The days often have been cold, wet, and dreary. Sometimes January nights seem long. And bad...
Autism/ChurchPosted 1/25/2019 Welcoming Children with Autism into the Church Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me; do not stop them; for it...